Command line control of arduino using ino

As we’re going to be programming the arduino via the raspberry pi over ssh, we need a command line tool to talk to the arduino. Luckilly several such ways exist, including make-files from several sources. I chose to use a tool called ino which seems to have packaged up the toolchain in a fairly decent […]

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Using the ACS712 Low Current Sensor

Gareth and I are using  ACS712 Low Current Sensors in our Aquaponics project. We’re using them to measure AC current. All we really need them to tell us is whether various pumps are on (and drawing 1/6 of an amp) or off. The raw value you get when you do an analogRead on the pin varies […]

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raspberry pi running node-red, wiring-pi to pwm control a light

OK so putting node-RED on the raspberry pi was almost as easy as getting it onto my computer – see previous post here. I started with the occidentalis distro from adafruit – and to install node.js itself I needed to use different package to match the pi wget sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb but apart […]

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Fixing Technics 1210’s

A friend of mine rang up the other day and asked if I could help fix a Technics 1210 record deck. For the uninitiated, these are the decks that DJ’s around the world use (or used to use) for mixing old fashioned shellacs (sorry, records). Now you may think that playing music by spinning an […]

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Transistor calculations for a 12V 300mA light via raspberry pi gpio pin

I am following this excellent page as a guide: Using it, I worked through my use case of an raspberry pi connected to a TIP120 to drive a 12V LED light. diagram from What value of resistor should I use? I’ve seen several different values on web examples, so looks like I need to actually […]

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