Comments on: Incredible Aquaponics make it, break it, fix it, hack it, own it Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:17:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: gareth Fri, 08 Jan 2016 11:59:39 +0000 Well, isn’t it funny how a few months turns into a year!

We are so nearly ready – we’ve now got a video made for the pitch and we’re busy trying to sign up some ‘names’ to help promote it.

I’ll do a proper post to update the blog and reply to all the comments – I’ve been a bit slack recently as is obvious…

By: Darcy Fri, 08 Jan 2016 05:20:19 +0000 Any update on the kickstarter?

By: gareth Fri, 06 Mar 2015 09:56:32 +0000 Hiya Keith – we’re getting ready for a kickstarter in a couple of months, then you can buy our stuff! There are tutorials but you need a bit of experience with hardware to follow them. You don’t need programming experience though. If you’d like to build them yourself rather than wait we’ll happily help you directly – it will help improve our documentation for everyone.

We’re obviously all great minds because our thoughts for a sustainability model are exactly around that support element, plus a community of growers.

We’ve collected over a year of solid data on the system in Todmorden, so we’ve got confidence that we can collect and analyse the data, and you’re right, it’s a great asset.

Although it would be nice to monetise a bit and maybe be able to afford to live from it (beyond minimum wages levels!) our main ambition is to make aquaponics more popular by making it easier. If there are loads of aquaponics systems then we’ll probably be able to make a living of sorts from it somehow. Right now we’re keen to learn more, carry on improving our systems, and spread our knowledge as widely as we can.

By: Keith Fri, 06 Mar 2015 00:24:24 +0000 Good Evening,

I am building a aquaponic system and would like you use your controller/monitor interface, but I have no programming experience. Do you assemble and sell these or is there some sort of tutorial on how to do so??……..

I have an idea for you guys that may help you generate some revenue. Create the first AQUAPONIC MONITORING & DIAGNOSTIC WEBSITE SERVICE…… This service can use a subscription business model. Using your hardware and software novices like myself can set up a aquaponic system and have it monitored by experienced enthusiast and/or professionals. The data can be reviewed daily, weekly, monthly or however prescribed. True there are plenty of aquaponic forums on the internet but not with the kind of data streaming your software/hardware package provides. No one wants to loose pounds of precious crops or fish although this website will not make any guarantees….it will provide peace of mind knowing experienced eyes are watching and actively coaching you along your aquaponic journey. I can go on and on about how this would be the ultimate educational tool. After a year of collecting data from home systems, university/experimental systems, commercial systems etc…….. You can launch the first AQUAPONICS ANALYTICS…… and the ways you guys can educate and monetize from this service will be endless.
I think you guys are on to something big in the world of aquaponics.

Take Care

